Sunday, 26 October 2014

Week 4

This week has been quite a hectic and if not stressful week. In visual design we took a look at tones and values more specifically how to handle a value scale as well as briefly touching upon the planes of the human head. I was quite pleased with this part of visual design since this area in art is an area I've always struggled with. Not only this but as an aspiring character artist anything to do with the human form and portraiture gains my interest.

Our task for this week in visual design was to approach rendering different textures and styles as a preliminary task for the soon to be arriving rock project and the village project. I feel quite anxious about these projects as I feel that my traditional rendering techniques of texture could be stronger however this week's task has at least started me on my path to resolve this weakness.

Moreover this week I was given quite a challenge which I found took up a lot of my time. The Sci-Fi crate. This project I found was very stressful and time consuming as I find 3D to be my weakest area on the course however I want to push myself so I can one day look these blog posts and have a laugh at my past struggles. I think the hardest and most tedious part about the project was the unwrap process. I found that every time that I would find progress with the crate and import my texture to 3DS Max I would find small minor problems I would have to correct. Although I found this part of the crate the most painful part, the texturing process I found was very enjoyable as it allowed me to explore my creativity and experiment with textures.

During this week I was also introduced to developing silhouettes as well as a task on creating a story for our Cubeeman through photos. Although I myself haven’t practised with the silhouettes process yet I plan to use the knowledge I gained from the session to produce strong concepts for next week’s rock project.

For the story of my Cubeeman I decided to set it around my Cubeeman visiting MCM comic con in London. Not only did this allow me to gain interesting photos and compositions for my Cubeeman, this trip allowed me to see my character design in context against other strong and iconic character designs. (I also got to go to comic con which was a plus).

Below is a slide containing visuals for all the projects I’ve produced this week.

Numerous Failed UV unwraps

Chris Anka Web Developer

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